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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
7.5 DPC

8 matching records from 8 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Rhox5  reproductive homeobox 5   (Synonyms: Pem)
Results  Reference
1J:165811 Fernandez-Diaz LC, Laurent A, Girasoli S, Turco M, Longobardi E, Iotti G, Jenkins NA, Fiorenza MT, Copeland NG, Blasi F, The absence of Prep1 causes p53-dependent apoptosis of mouse pluripotent epiblast cells. Development. 2010 Oct;137(20):3393-403
1J:77443 Hart AH, Hartley L, Sourris K, Stadler ES, Li R, Stanley EG, Tam PP, Elefanty AG, Robb L, Mixl1 is required for axial mesendoderm morphogenesis and patterning in the murine embryo. Development. 2002 Aug;129(15):3597-608
1J:106336 Kobayashi S, Isotani A, Mise N, Yamamoto M, Fujihara Y, Kaseda K, Nakanishi T, Ikawa M, Hamada H, Abe K, Okabe M, Comparison of gene expression in male and female mouse blastocysts revealed imprinting of the X-linked gene, Rhox5/Pem, at preimplantation stages. Curr Biol. 2006 Jan 24;16(2):166-72
1*J:53656 Perea-Gomez A, Shawlot W, Sasaki H, Behringer RR, Ang S, HNF3beta and Lim1 interact in the visceral endoderm to regulate primitive streak formation and anterior-posterior polarity in the mouse embryo. Development. 1999 Oct;126(20):4499-511
1J:81339 Perea-Gomez A, Vella FD, Shawlot W, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Chazaud C, Meno C, Pfister V, Chen L, Robertson E, Hamada H, Behringer RR, Ang SL, Nodal antagonists in the anterior visceral endoderm prevent the formation of multiple primitive streaks. Dev Cell. 2002 Nov;3(5):745-56
1J:163670 Spruce T, Pernaute B, Di-Gregorio A, Cobb BS, Merkenschlager M, Manzanares M, Rodriguez TA, An early developmental role for miRNAs in the maintenance of extraembryonic stem cells in the mouse embryo. Dev Cell. 2010 Aug 17;19(2):207-19
1J:93592 Tam PP, Khoo PL, Wong N, Tsang TE, Behringer RR, Regionalization of cell fates and cell movement in the endoderm of the mouse gastrula and the impact of loss of Lhx1(Lim1) function. Dev Biol. 2004 Oct 1;274(1):171-87
1J:103454 Woda JM, Calzonetti T, Hilditch-Maguire P, Duyao MP, Conlon RA, MacDonald ME, Inactivation of the Huntington's disease gene (Hdh) impairs anterior streak formation and early patterning of the mouse embryo. BMC Dev Biol. 2005 Aug 18;5:17

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